

General Information

La Stala del Nono located in Tesero – Località Pampeago (TN) – cap 38038, P.IVA 02522780226 (hereinafter also the company) has drawn up the present data protection statement in order to inform visitors to the website about the terms and purposes of data processing. In particular, visitors and any person who makes use of the services offered on the websites, are informed, in accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 on the protection of personal data (hereinafter, also “the Regulation”) about data processing. The present data protection statement relates exclusively to the aforesaid website and does not apply to linked sites, which may be visited by the users of our website.

The present privacy policy is an integral component of our website and of the services offered by us. To access the website and use the same, as well as to purchase the services offered on the website you are required to read and understand the present privacy policy. Should you not be in agreement with the present privacy policy, we would ask you not to use our website.

The company may amend or update the present privacy policy in whole or in part. Amendments and additions to the privacy policy may be viewed by all users in the privacy column of the website and are binding with effect from publication on the website. Should the user not be in agreement with the amendments, he may cease using our website. The continued use of our website and our products and services subsequent to publication of the aforementioned amendments and/or modifications shall be deemed acceptance of the amendments and acknowledgement of the binding nature of the new conditions.
The website, is the property of the company and is administered by the said company.

Types of data collection and processing purpose:

1. Navigation data

In normal use, the systems and software processes required for correct performance of the website collect some personal data, the transmission of which is part of the normal use of Internet communication protocols. These data concern information, which is not collected in order to identify the subject, but which by virtue of their properties allow users to be identified through the processing and compilation of data transmitted by a third party.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or the names of domains, the computer used by the users of the website, the URI (uniform resource identifier) of the resources requested, the time the enquiry was made, the method used to make the enquiry with the server, the size of the file received as response, the status data of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) as a numerical code and other parameters with respect to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.

These data serve exclusively for statistical purposes and are administered solely in anonymous form, in order to ensure their correct function. The data may be also used to establish responsibility in the event of hypothetical breaches of IT law resulting in damage to the website. With the exception of this case, the aforementioned data shall not be stored for more than 24 months.

2. Data supplied voluntarily by the users/visitors

Data, which are transmitted by the visitor to the website, voluntarily and expressly for the purpose of using specific services (e.g. the newsletter, “work with us” service, etc.) and to La Stala del Nono by means of e-mail enquiries, may be automatically registered, in which case the information is used exclusively for the services specified in the communication of the information.

Your data are used for the purpose of responding to your specific queries, fulfilling contractual duties, tax or accounting duties, billing, debt collection and for compliance with the duties prescribed by the statutes in force.

With the exception of navigation data La Stala del Nono solely processes data, which has been submitted voluntarily and expressly by the user. If you refuse to transfer certain information, you may however find that you are restricted in the services offered.

Once the registration is made, the personal data are processed solely for the services specified in the communication of the information.

The visitor to the website may register for one or more of the following services:

• Newsletter and review requests

• Information on services, offers, enquiries etc.

• Participation in various initiatives

• Purchases or reservations of the sercives offered on the website

• Announcing the visitor’s interest in working with the company and/or responding to a job vacancy advertisement

• Contacting the company using the form provided for this purpose

• Enquiring about the availability of rooms for a specified period and a specific number of persons

Availability enquiry

Availability enquiry

In the “BOOK YOUR TABLE” section, the user may book a table directly on the website: this operation generates an email sent to, without storing the data on the website database.

The enquiry is subject to the user’s express agreement, entered by clicking on the appropriate box, of the company’s privacy policy.

Priority notice

In the section “CONTACTS”, the user can fill in a contact form that generates an email sent to, without storing the data on the website database.

Acceptance of the privacy policy is deemed to be an essential pre-condition for requesting this service. The company confirms the priority notice by sending an e-mail to the address entered by the user.


Visitors can send letters of application or reply to job offers via the, “Info and Contacts” section.
If you register, all your personal data pursuant to the information letter and for the purpose of data processing in accordance with the internal process for HR administration are processed.

This service is subject to the user’s express agreement, entered by clicking on the appropriate box, of the company’s privacy policy.


Visitors have the opportunity to contact the company using the form provided for the purpose. If you make an enquiry, all your personal data pursuant to the information letter and for the purpose of data processing in accordance with the internal process for contact are processed. This service is subject to the user’s express agreement, entered by clicking on the appropriate box, of the company’s privacy policy.

Processing of personal data

Within the meaning of Article Regulation (EU) 679/2016 La Stala del Nono., a company under Italian law, with registered office in 38038 Tesero – Località Pampeago (TN), is the rights holder of the administration and processing of all personal data, which may be collected via the aforesaid home page.

Personal data are processed solely within the meaning of the present data protection statement, by officers and employees of La Stala del Nono who are expressly appointed as authorized agents for the purposes of date protection processing. The employees have been appropriately trained in this respect and work under the direct supervision and responsibility of the proprietor of the data protection processing.

The responsible officer for data processing is Mr. Valerio Piazzi. He may be contacted at:

A current list of all data protection authorized agents may be requested by e-mail from the proprietor itself or from the data processing officer at this email:

Disclosure to third parties

In no circumstances are your personal data disclosed unless statutory provisions require that they be submitted to a judicial authority or other corporate bodies and institutes.

In addition, the company uses the services of other companies and/or persons to perform specific services, such as sending e-mails, delivery of packages, the processing of payments. The aforementioned third parties have access only to those personal data, which are absolutely necessary for them to carry out their responsibilities. The company stresses that these third parties are forbidden from using the personal data for other purpose and are under a duty to use these data in conformity with the privacy policy and the statutory provisions currently in force.

La Stala del Nono does not intentionally collect personal data belonging to particular categories (Article 9 c.1 of the Regulation) or relating to criminal convictions and offenses (art.10 of the Reagulation)via its website.
We recommend that you do not enter such information on our website. Should this be essential (for instance in the case of assignment to protected groups of persons in the case of sending a curriculum vitae for the purpose of sending a job application, in reply to a offer of employment or in expressing interest in employment in our firm) we request that the specific declaration be sent by post. In this declaration, please give your written permission for the treatment of data belonging to particular categories.

Retention of the data

Information and personal data, which is collected on this website, including that which the visitor voluntarily submits, in order to receive informational material or other messages, by writing to the addresses given in the “Info and Contacts” section, are retained only for the period absolutely necessary to perform the required service. Once the service has been performed, all personal data are deleted on the basis of the data protection guidelines of La Stala del Nono subject to conflicting governmental requirements or retention required by statute.

Exercise of existing rights

Privacy legislation (Articles 15-22 of the Regulation) guarantees Data Subjects the right to access data that concerns them at any time, as well as to request the correction and/or integration, if inexact or incomplete, deletion or limited processing of their data, if the conditions are met, to oppose processing for reasons relating to the situation of the Data Subject, to request the portability of the data provided, if processing is carried out by automated means and on the basis of consent or for the execution of a contract, to the extent envisaged by the Regulation (Article 20).

For these purposes, the person concerned must contact the owner of the data processing system or the data security officer via the e-mail address

Data security

La Stala del Nono protects personal data by means of security standards and by means of processes, which make

• unauthorized access

• unauthorized use and dissemination

• unauthorized modification

• loss and inadvertent or unlawful destruction impossible.

Under-age users

The website of the company, which is regulated by the present data protection statement, is not intended for the use of minors. We are aware of the necessity that data concerning minors must be protected, particularly in the online environment. Therefore, we do not collect and store – except on an accidental basis – any data from under-age visitors.


This website also collects personal data by means of the use of cookies. Further information on La Stala del Nono “Cookie Policy” can be found on the following link

For any eventual dispute that may arise between the user and the Owner of the processing, or other subjects who have collaborated, collaborate or will collaborate with La Stala del Nono, the user accepts the jurisdiction of the Italian state, and, in every case, the application of Italian law independently of actual residence or headquarters. The place of jurisdiction is Trento (TN – Italy).


LAST UPDATE: February 2020